#20-02 - John Dearie: Center for American Entrepreneurship

With each episode of Make Startups, we explore the stories of founders, investors, philanthropists, and policy makers. This episode features John Dearie, President at the Center for American Entrepreneurship and Co-Author of “Where the Jobs Are”. We learn about John’s evolution from working at the Federal Reserve, to CEO of the Financial Services Forum, to Founding the Center for American Entrepreneurship. We discuss the importance of startups in America, the role of government, and of capitalism itself. Find out more about the Center for American Entrepreneurship’s Policy Framework and support their critical work by joining Team 500 at StartupsUSA.org

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Eric R. Parker, AIA

I help cities, companies, & institutions design environments & systems to grow a culture of collaborative innovation


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#20-01 - Congressman Rick Allen: Entrepreneur Roundtable