Site Partner Expectations
We Provide the tools for Site Partners to make startups
To understand how we work together, it is important to understand mesh networking principles. Make Startups relies on Site Partners to build robust relationships and tailor programs and benefits to meet local community needs. We provide a common framework and toolkit to do so. Site partners will be expected to participate in onboarding and training of software tools, training and certification methods, and sharing regular updates of stories and data that demonstrate the impacts in your community. We will conduct recurring peer-to-peer gatherings with ESO’s from across our network to facilitate collaboration and amplify market opportunities for startups.
Most of all, network success requires responsiveness. There are several critical milestones along the way towards launching your programs and sustaining them. Meeting those milestones requires prompt and deliberate communication between everyone.
Onboarding timeline (6-12 months average)
1 - 2 weeks: Schedule initial interview
4-6 weeks: Gather local support commitments
tbd: Execute Site Partner Agreement
Fall or spring launch cohort: Site partner onboarding
2-9 months: Curriculum alignment and obtain state approvals (varies by state regulations and local support)
3-6 months: Announce program, recruit applicants, Launch 1st training cohort and conducted first day of class
Additional Expectations
Participate in peer-to-peer recurring Mesh Network partner meetings
Participate in our Make Startups Training Program for access to Make Startups software toolkit
Implement local capital partner program
Implement local Entrepreneurship Skills Training curriculum
Implement local mentoring program
Provide reports to WIOA via Make Startups proprietary software
Ensure training and proper entry of entrepreneur data via Make Startups proprietary software
Process invoicing and accounts payable to Workforce Development, Make Startups, and other partners as required to ensure timely payments